Wednesday, July 22, 2009


GRACE AT WAR is an 80,000-word literary/commercial novel.
During the explosive summer of 1970, sixteen-year-old Grace, reeling from a home-front trauma of her own, enlists in her combat-veteran brother’s flashback-fueled mission to find answers about the rape of an American nurse in Vietnam. On this mission Grace is ambushed by the rapist, stripped of her illusions, and ultimately forced to find her true soldier's heart in order to save her brother and herself.

GRACE AT WAR recently won first prize in the Maryland Writer’s Association Novel Contest, in the category, Mainstream/Literary.


  1. Susan Moger knows how to tell a story. She's looked at this piece from many angles. Grace at War has already received literary acclaim - more to come.

  2. susan........ I had no idea you had a novel in the works such as this......... just from reading your blog I am forced to reflect on times long buried and pains that have settled below the surface......... and I think we need to be ever vigilant so we are not mired in complacency........... thank you........ Judy Peabody

  3. Thanks for the comment, Judy! This has been quite an adventure. I hope to inscribe a copy to you someday soon!

  4. Thanks Susan and Ben! This is the first blog I've ever commented on! It's very classy! Keep the submissions to agents flowing. Be callous to rejection - it's their loss! And be patient! F

  5. Faith, I'm honored to be recipient of your first post-to-blog!
